Saturday, August 21, 2010

Would anyone like to share their views on interracial relationships?

I am researching a Channel 4 (UK) documentary about interracial relationships.

The film will seek to understand the laws of attraction between different ethnic groups and why some people habitually only date people from different ethnic groups.

Whether it's to do with where you were raised, how you were raised, a rebellion thing, a sexual thing or an aesthetic thing, I would like your help in exploring this subject.

If anyone has any views or experiences, post here or get in touch!

0207 067 4874

Would anyone like to share their views on interracial relationships?
As a product of an interracial relationship, I am quite for them. While each individual of course has particular characteristics that they find attractive in a mate, certain ethnic groups display these traits to best advantage. Aside from the aesthetics, there is also the cultural upbringing that may be appealing to a member of another culture. For instance, the close family ties displayed by some cultures may be of great attraction to an only child as they were lacking this while growing up.

There are a myriad of facets that can be explored, many of which an individual may not be conscious of. An obvious example comes from the fascination with asian cultures who generally have more submissive females which is an attraction to males of many ethnic backgrounds who desire to be the dominant one in the relationship.Would anyone like to share their views on interracial relationships?
I am in an interracial relationship and I love it. I am Mixed Half black, and a quarter mexican and white. My girlfriend is half Puerto Rican and white.

I experienced a plethora of women before I met her and quite frankly I was know as the ';Player';. I really did not want to be labeled that way nor did I live my life that way. It just seemed the women I was dating were very close minded...Trapped. By their own inflated ego, society, their parents.

I found that most people had been raised with their parents close minded view points. The only women that could ever understand my openness and state of mind was my girlfriend who is a rare find. Not to many people in my generation can think for themselves. I think people find others who think and like the thing they like which is highly attributed to childhood. Parents also play a major role in who their children date. My parents have always had an open mind and her parent are always welcoming to me.
I don't see race I see people. Everyone is exactly the same on the inside and that is what people need to focus on. I don't have a problem with interracial relationships. I have been in 2 of them neither of them lasted but it was not cause of race it just didn't work out. My dad %26amp; grandfather on the other hand....interracial relationships are a taboo subject cause you just don't want to get them started. We have gotten into many arquements over it. I dont' care who is w/ who it makes no difference for me cause it does not effect me. Its thier life let them live it they way they want. Its much more socially accepted then it was in generations past
I have no objections to interracial relationships at all, after all we are all the same no matter what Colour our skins. Religion for some looks down on it, but in my opinion that is because some religions are intolerant of others. I talk to a young lady who is black Nigerian and we want a relationship, but at the moment she is in China so it is difficult for us.
I come from an interracial background. My mother is white and my father is black. I prefer to date black men. I don't think I can help you out though b/c I don't know why I prefer black men, all of my sisters have dated black men and black men are more appealing to me I rarely even check out men in any other ethnic group.
i am 805% for interracial relationships. i personally believe that religion and the whole ';color of your skin'; thing is the root of all problems and hate. i would love to date an Arabic man but they can't because I am white....what the hell is that? people are people and if you are in love then you are in love. let it happen!
To start off with I am Caucasian and my wife of 27 years is Korean.

I have always found myself attracted to beautiful tanned skin, dark hair and dark eyes. I find Asian women very exotic.

There is a strong attraction for something different.

Maybe something Taboo?

I am white and my husband is black. To me the colour of your skin doesn't matter. Growing up in Australia where there aren't really many black people and fancying white guys to moving to South Africa, i think my eyes were opened. Now living in England I found my perfect man and he just happens to be black. I fell in love with him not his colour:)
im perfectly Ok with it.

im usually attracted to other races.

ive only had ';relationships'; with a person of another

ethnicity. however, i would consider having a relationship with a person

of my own ethnicity.

i'm sorry don't really have any views other than, in my eyes there is only one race and that is the human race so what does it really matter, we're all human that's where the attraction comes from in the first place.
I am from mixed parentage.

My mother is white british and only found west indians and indians attractive.

Did follow my mothers traits for a while but for me personally it does not matter what race a person is
hey i dnt have any experience of this but can u let us know when ur documentary will be screened as it sounds very interesting.
don't know ive never had one, but im often attracted to some indian girls, but i never ask then out in case there parents are too traditional. -
there is no problem with interracial relationships.

at all.

I do not and would not date outside my race. In my opinion, it is wrong.
1- its aesthetic, for guys beauty is beauty. ';they are all pink on the inside'; pretty much sums up every non racist guy's opinion as far as attraction goes.

2- relationship wise ther is a diferent issue- this depends on the girl, it is undoubtale that there is added stress on a relationship due to any background differences- race can be one of those but it is no more a difference than religion, financial status, culture, etc.

its just that people have one less thing to fight about, of course, most people don't want to marry thier clone, but relationships have enough issues and adding another one (which can be other things than race) can be the straw that broke the camel's back.

whether or not this becomes a real as opposed to ';potential'; issue depends on the people themselves and any outside sources such as family, social circles and living location tolerance.

not that a couple wont' make it- or necessarily have any issues, but an interracial couple from teh same social standing, financial, religious, cultural, etc. has less potential problems than a same race couple with various religious, cultural and financial status differences. whether these problems become real is dependant upon the individuals on a case by case basis.

3- i think some people habitually date people of other cultures for many reasons- it could be a person is just attracted to a particular look women of that culture tend to have (which is also one of the things found among bi-sexual women, that they generally don't go for all women, just a particular kind with a particular look). same as not dating a particular culture or look- they don't feel attracted to that race's ';differential'; features.

it could be a ';rebellion'; thing but you have to examine the parents and growing up environment of the person- if it stays, then i would tend to think it is not a rebelliion thing after the authority that they are rebelling against is no longer an authority (ie, the person turns 18 and moves out of the house). if it stays then it could have initially been a rebellion thing but became a genuine type of attraction preference.

I think you need to examine more than yahoo answers and if on the off chance you really are doing a documentary then you should do some more detailed studies and fact-finding.

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