Saturday, August 21, 2010

What do people thing of age difference in relationships?

With young people age 16-25 , i dont want to know about old people lol What do people thing of age difference in relationships?
Any age difference can work out as long as both people are over 18. If one is under 18 and the other is over then in many places that is illegal.What do people thing of age difference in relationships?
I'm 24 and I'm dating someone almost twice my age. It has put relationships in a whole new perspective for me. I've learned so much and realized what an immature relationship is. I dunno if I just have a very special girlfriend or if because she's been around longer that I've learned so much. But I look at other people's relationships sometimes and laugh because there is so much immature bs that comes along with young relationships. Most of the fights and arguments are pointless really, and I don't have to deal with them when I'm with her. It's a beautiful thing.
I think that you really can't afford more than a year, possibly 2 difference in a relationship between anyone under 18. Once your over 18 i don't think it really makes alot of difference, as long as its not like 20 years lol. I think this because when your under 18 your not really grown up yet and the difference in development is too much.
When one of the people in the relationship are below the legal age limit - there is perfect reason to be concerned.

What you fail to realize is that while the numbers from 16-20 are very small - the mentality of the two is WORLDS apart. Within those 4 yrs, you learn a lot! So - it's about looking after the best interst of the minor.

Teens do not always know what is best for them. They do not have the maturity or wisdom that comes with experience. So, we make laws to protect them from those that seek to do them harm.

BTW - what do you consider ';old';. If it's more than 25 - you have a rude awakening coming. Especially since your chances of living to or past 100 yrs is much greater than mine.
hmm it really depends on how old the younger one is... like if they r only 14 then the other half shouldnt be any more than 2-3 years older whilst on the other hand, its really up to the people it cant help who you fall in love with!!
Age difference is completely cool! Its is just a bunch of numbers, when you meet someone and end up falling in love, then what has age got to do with it?
It depends on whether or not both of the people involved are legal and how big the age difference is....and at 35 I really don't think I am old!! So maybe you could be a little less rude when asking questions : )
I am 24 and my crush is 38, I dont think age really matters that much (as long as you and your crush/partner is of legal age)
Nah no problems. :)

Love isn't limited to gender and certainly not by ages.
if depends. the older you get the bigger the difference i'm willing to put between us, but if i was 16 1 year at most
Read your question pretend you didn't write it, what do you think of it you ageist little twit?
I'm 23 and the oldest I've been with is 27. If you really love someone several years is irrelevant.
age is jus a number.. but when its a youngin an sum old old person then its hella ewwww
Oooooo Lara........dont you think you will get to old age luv?

Sighs.....looks for pension book.
age is not an issue
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