Saturday, August 21, 2010

Please respond in detail, the importance of humility beyond relationships?

I'm just curious to see a few opinions.Please respond in detail, the importance of humility beyond relationships?
You must mean inner humility. That means to understand That myself I am just an insignificant fool. I have no real knowledge myself. All my knowledge comes form the Higher Authorities and altimately God. An inner feeling of strength in God but not taking any praise or glory to ones self. Only a humble person can understand this mood and others will take it as insecure. Simple for the simple at heart.Please respond in detail, the importance of humility beyond relationships?
c'om on, 'fess up, you're not curious, you want us to do your homework for you. Can't do it, you wouldn't learn anything then.;-)
Inconsistent, your postulation. Humility is needed to keep relationships, first with God and then with fellow humankind. It goes without saying that the humble will be exalted, whereas the lofty-minded will suffer debasement. The reason being that humble people are easy to deal with, people draw close to them, and reach out to help them.

On the contrary, people disdain the proud, haughty individuals and so when they need help to stay up, they hardly ask for such help, and since they do not get the support of others, they eventually crash.

So, humility carries relationships to new heights, strengthening and consolidating the relationships, making them worth living for, worth sacrificing for. It could be said then that the humility in the relationship has transcended the relationship, but in reality it has merely cemented and stretched the relationship to continue to grow and expand.

Do you get my drift?
Humility in necessary because it shows your wisdom, because a person who doesn't admit he is wrong, when everyone, including himself, know that he is, is a sign of stupidity, selfishness and hardheadedness. It is just how it is.
their is none..humanity requires relationships to survive. at a certain level we are no different than any other living thing, its our relationships that define us as being humans..

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