Saturday, August 21, 2010

Do many kinds of bacteria develop close symbiotic relationships?

and can bacteria recycle and decompose dead material?Do many kinds of bacteria develop close symbiotic relationships?
Yes. Many bacteria live on the skin, in the mouth and large intestine of animals. Cattle need anaerobic bacteria to help digesting cellulose.

Bacteria and fungi decompose biomass and return the elements back to the environment. Without them life can not go on.Do many kinds of bacteria develop close symbiotic relationships?
I know that bacteria are very important to the ecosystem because they are decomposers and dispose of waste and recycle nutrients... Think of a Compostee
yes they do. bacteria act on dead organic matter and decompose them. they r saprophytes and r important 2 yr ecosystem.
Yes, the are always present feeding off dead skin, in the normal flora of all guts of animals. Also dont forget they are a organism present in lichens. Bacteria are the key player in the recycling of nitrogen through nitrogen fixation. When you speak of decomposition, bacteria aid in this, but its primarily carried out by fungi.

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