Friday, November 25, 2011

What qualities help you to have good relationships with others?

Honesty helps me and sincere kindness and the desire to help. I also have a fantastic sense of humor if I might say so myself LOLWhat qualities help you to have good relationships with others?
My respect for others, no matter what the race and their beliefs.What qualities help you to have good relationships with others?
Respectiing the opinions of others even when I do not disagree.
I'm a good listener, and I can make people laugh.
I empathize with people, and don't mind apologizing if I was wrong.
Liking other ppl is a great place to start, and actually caring about what happens to them on a daily basis and from that truly awesome communication.
I'm nonjudgmental and I make myself available with being pushy about it.
A lot of it is non-verbal clues. Sometimes it's just, for lack of a better term, a mental link. When I'm particularly close to someone I can read what they're thinking as clearly as if they'd telegraphed it to me.

I can tell you when one friend is about to say something tactless, (and usually in time to stop him from saying it.) I can tell you when someone I love is trying to figure out how to ask if I'd mind a PDA. (Wow, you'd be surprised at how quickly tourists vanish in a National Park! They practically dragged the kids!)

I guess I'm just odd. Or maybe I'm better at paying attention to my friends and loved ones than others. Maybe I'm not, who knows. Whatever it is, it works for me.

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