Friday, November 25, 2011

Can someone explain symbiosis in human interactions/relationships?

Use the subtypes of symbiosis in your answer:

Mutualism, Commensalism, Parasitism, Competition, NeutralismCan someone explain symbiosis in human interactions/relationships?
So here we go. Using human as one of the organism participating in the interaction the examples would be the ff:

Mutualism- an interaction wherein both organisms benefit

Ex. Man and plant. Man supplies carbon dioxide to the plant for photosynthesis. In return plant produces food for man and provide oxygen.

Commensalism-one benefits while the other is unharmed.

Ex. Man and a puppy in a very specific perspective. Man take cares of the pet while the pet does nothing to the man.

Parasitism-one benefits in the expense of the other

Ex. Man and ascaris. Ascaris depend on man for nourishment in the process the man gets sick.

Competition-two or more organisms competing for one food source

Ex. two men competing for a food.

Neutralism-2 organisms living in harmony and do not have direct relationship

Ex. Man and another man

Hope this helps...Can someone explain symbiosis in human interactions/relationships?
Mutualism = Is when both organisms benefit... like plants and most fungi.

Commensalism = not too sure...

Parasitism = is when a parasite feeds from the host ( human stomach, intestine ) which may harm the host.

Competition = is the competition of two organisms for the same source of food.

Neutralism = Is nothing happens no benefit or no advantage.
The way we live is a dynamic example of symbiosis....we have to depend on each other to survive.There are some elements in the society that we would be better without, but on the whole, we need each other to continue living the way we do.

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