Friday, July 30, 2010

My grandparents aren't open to mixed relationships.How do I tell them I am pregnant by a black man ?

My sister is the one pregnant. We are half mexican and they are ';white';. They don't agree with mixed relationships. You would think that they should have expected it, but they don't.My grandparents aren't open to mixed relationships.How do I tell them I am pregnant by a black man ?
You have got nothing to worry about for as long as the father of the child will be there for you, more so when he marrys you. It is you, your life, your child and that's all that really matters. I know for some respect to your folks, they may have had a bad experience with these people and they were holding grudge against them. Honey, it is not healthy. Accept the fact that they will never change their attitude towards colored people. Just move on with your life and new family!

If you wish to tell them go for it. Do it in a most respectful way. And if they throw craps on you, NEVER fight back. Just leave the room politely and as it is already known to many that BABIES create miracles in people's life. Your folks may even fall in love with the baby right when they see him/her.

PEACE and good luck!My grandparents aren't open to mixed relationships.How do I tell them I am pregnant by a black man ?
I prefer that you let your parents explaine that for them , They have more experiance to deal with them
Don't tell them. Just to see the reaction on thier lily-white, 'I think I'm better than you' faces when your little one is born.
It took my mother years before she finally open up about my mixed relationship but I just had to sit her down and tell her and that was 6 years ago...Now she comes around and we all do things together and stuff but it takes time for parents/grandparent to realize that if it makes you happy then they are happy but if you can't sit them down write a letter and tell them....I know what your going thru bc my grandparents don't agree with it either and they know about me and my b/f
tell your sister to get tested for std's.
Well they should love you for no matter who you are or what you do. They also should realize this is not the 50's-60's anymore and humans are humans no matter what color. They need to except you and your mate and child. What brings more to life than a little one? I am sure they will find joy in your child. If they do not except the mix, then really were they there for you? Unconditonal love.
She should tell them like this:

';Hey guess what? I'm pregnant again, and the father, well, he's black. At least I'm pretty sure. almost all of the guys that COULD be the father are black. The one I think it is is serving life for multiple feloneys. So I think I'll go and have an abortion. Isn't that great?';

But set up a hidden camera so other people can watch their reaction.

And, in all seriousness, DO get an abortion.
that makes no sense at all if you are half mexican...then you are from a mixed know your gtrandparents don't have to like who you've chosen to be the father of your child but sooner or later they are gonna have to accept it, that is if they want anything to do with their great grandchildren...obviously they accepted it from your parents, so really what can they do??
If you are half mexican and half white, it would be near impossible for you to find a great guy with that exact combination, so in their eyes, you would be in a mixed relationship either way, even if you were with a white, or a mexican. Simply tell your grandparents that you are pregnant, and that the father is not of the same race as you, but that your child will grow up being loved, and they can chose to love the child or not. But also inform them that if they make things hard for the child because of this, that they won't be allowed to see the child. Most parents/grandparents though love their children, grandchildren, no matter who the parents are, you might be surprised at how willing they are to accept the new baby. If they aren't, let them know that the child is no less their grandchild than had it been completely white, it still would have had a father from a different family. I wish you and your sister the best!
I agree with hunkeydoorey101. Some of my family is prejudiced also. I was the first person to bring a ';white boy'; home (Im mexican also) but bringing a white person home was ';better'; than black. BTW, my parents weren't prejudiced but their bros, sisters and parents were. My aunt who was highly prejudiced against black people had a daughter that was pregnant by a black man. When she had her baby it was amazing how much her attitude changed when she saw her new absolutely beautiful granddaughter. View usually change when a baby is involved. However, even if they don't change your sister shouldn't worry about it. She will at least be able to break that awful chain of racism that unfortunately still exists.

P.S. When I said bringing a white boy home was ';better'; than black, that was NOT how I or my parents felt, just what my extended family always told me. I don't want anyone to think I have any racist views because I DONT. That's one of my biggest pet peeves.
break it down to them very gently. they won't take it easily no matter how u say it.try to explain to them that it's ur sister's life so she has to make her own mistakes and learn from them.all u or ur grandparents can do is to support her.hope this helped.
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